Friday, August 21, 2009

Michaels Knee Surgery

We woke up at 4:30 in the morning. I took a shower, Michael could only brush his teeth. They said that if he wanted to get into the shower in the morning, that he could, but he could not use soap, especially on his knee because it would cause problems with their prepping his knee for surgery. This was us in the waiting room.
Josie thought it was seriously too early. As in it was still dark when we were driving. She kept asking where the moon and the stars were, and when she would see one, she would say, "THERE IT IS!" it cracked me up, Michael I think was a little too tired, no coffee, no shower and pre surgery and all.

Michaels knees before.
The pie I made for him. His Bye-Bye knee of doom, feel better pie (apple) Home made and everything, I even make the crust, which is what michael says makes it taste so good.
Josie and I waited in the waiting room from 7 something to about 9. The Surgery took about an hour, then they said that they would call me back once he was awake. Josie ate blueberries and pretzels and watched Finding Nemo on my laptop while I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and coffee while looking through a magazine. By the time I was finished with the magazine, I was too sleepy to care to look through another one. So I played with my phone, etc, talked to Josie who was too interested in Nemo to really respond, and I swear I had to pee 90 times. HA.
When they let us come back, we were happy to see him, although he acted like he was just fine, I have had surgery and have been around people just out of surgery enough to know that just because people are awake and can talk, I KNOW they wont remember much of this. The anesthesia meds are some good ones, and part of the pain management they offer is the amnesia form being doped up well. :) The Nurse who was taking care of michael while we waited there for and extra 45 min to make sure he felt ok, no headache, no vomiting etc, then they would let him go home. All went well. He thought he could just walk out to the car ha, but thank god they have protocols where they have to wheel you in a chair out to the curb where your ride picks you up. They gave Josie and I a head start and we picked him up at the door. As we left the parking lot, he totally requested a Carmel Soy Latte which I was happy to oblige him with. We went and got coffee on our way to the pharmacy to pick up his pain med Rx, Josie had fallen asleep in the car while he sat with her and I went in to get his meds. We got home, and Michael wanted..... PIE so that he could take his Rx.
He doesn't remember me taking this pic, or eating the pie, probably why I was able to get him to smile a little. :)

These are the pictures from Sunday when he was able to take the dressing off and take a shower.

Today is Friday, he has his post op appt with his Dr. They will most likely take out his stiches and give him the ok to resume certain things, and to refer him to his Physical Therapist. He has a lot to do inorder to get back to 100% but he is doing remarkable better every day! Here soon we should be able to tell jsut how worth the surgery was. :)


Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

Big ol' swoll'd up knee. Poor person's man. :(
I'm glad he's healing well, but couldn't they like inject something into those chicken legs, I have a little (lot) extra i'd be willing to donate. Ha!

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