Friday, September 11, 2009

Goals I try to make each week

So I am half way through my pregnancy, and the weather is going to get a little more manageable to be out in, and I have lots of things that I do each week, sometimes daily, yet I have no real structured schedule. We do things as they are needed. So here is my go at making an ideal list composed of daily do's and weekly do's. (to be updated as it comes to me)

As a mom:
1. provide a variety of healthy food options to Josie, to help shape a healthy well rounded diet that she will carry with her for a lifetime (trickier than it sounds for a 2 year old)
2. take a daily walk with Josie around the block, Dingo likes to go too!
3. Get out of the house several times a week, either to a store, or park somewhere to visit, practice patience and sitting well and also to see new people and colors and shapes and places!
4. Art projects at least 3 times a week, including Play doh, coloring, painting etc.
5. Telling Josie I love her multiple times a day, snuggle time, and making sure I show her how much I love and appreciate her, which she is awesome at returning the favor :)
6. Reading on how to help myself get thorough the birth of the new baby... Reassuring myself that I should not let myself wimp out and elect for a repeat C-section because of the fear of the unknown.
7. Work on Potty training for Josie bit by bit.
8. Pushing myself toward giving cloth diapering a try with the next child.
9. Reading at least 2 stories to Josie every day.
10. Teaching manners, and how to listen and be a good person, and doing my best to do the same in my own actions.

For the Home:
1. Keep the house tidy. Sweep, mop, vacuum at least once a week.
2. Kitchen needs cleaning after every meal.
3. bathrooms cleaned weekly.
4. sheets cleaned weekly.
5. Laundry as needed. When basket is full, or sheets changed, straight to washing machine!!!
6. Groceries bought, within budget, with all tastes in mind (again not always easy or affordable)

For me:
1. Spend more time with my person on Thursdays especially to watch our shows, and for our kids to spend more time together... since they are going to be best friends :)
2. Blog more
3. Go on more Dates with my husband, even if its to the movies, or for coffee at a bookstore.
4. Take more pictures and Video (as soon as I get my video camera!! Thanks to my dad and sisters for that one for my birthday! I can't wait to use it!)


Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

I don't know if you knew this about me, but I love lists. Checking things off of a to-do list is the funnest ever!
Yay to you for setting goals, We can celebrate on Thursdays all your acomplishments!
And you can always drop Josie off with us for a few hours some time if you want to get out, we're mostly always available. Date nights are mucho important.

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