Tuesday, June 16, 2009

8 weeks 1 day

We went to the Dr. today, as I had spotted some. There was no worry, but they had me come in, did blood work, and then had an ultrasound. it Showed a fuzzy static version of a little kidney bean sized baby with a little fluttering heartbeat in it!!!!
I have to admit, once they brought us back (Michael went with me) and they weighed me, took my blood pressure, and then had us wait on a bench in the hallway for the ultrasound room to free up, I was getting nervous. I had come to believe that I was pregnant. I have gained 5 or 6 lbs already, it has to be because something is going on, RIGHT???
Well it was confirmed. We can rest easy, and relax. We saw a heartbeat! There is always a chance of loss, but I am going to choose to not worry about what I don't need to worry about at this point. The due date is set for January 25, 2010 as of now, things sometimes change, depending on how the baby continues to measure.
Michael is sure its a girl, I want to think that there is a 50/50 chance, but we will see. We don't have the patience to wait until the baby is born to learn the gender.
I have from now until the end of January to soak up the advantages of having only one child (and to find a girls name that I like, since Michael has already picked a name if its a boy)
The times, they are a changing.
Good thing we are in the process of selling our house and buying a bigger one. lol. Thats a whole different blog though.
Til next time!


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