Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dear Diary

So I made the appointment today to go make one of many visits to come at Dr. Wilson OBGYN. The appointment is on Monday at 2:20 p.m. The only reason its so soon is because well, that was the next available appointment, and to be honest I am of the belief that if you know you have a condition (in my case pregnancy) get the OK from the Dr., first. So that I can relax and not worry that the cramps that I am having, could be symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy. I swear I'm not a worry wort, I would rather just be safe and not sorry. 
Im quitting smoking. I quit during my pregnancy with Josie, then at some point I had one here then one there... then I was smoking again. Its a nice break, its enjoyable especially in the morning with a cup of coffee. Im quitting though. only had 3 today, and happy. Michael is going to quit too, so YAY for good family choices. 
I feel like this pregnancy is a good excuse on top of the other amazing excuse to write about my thoughts or days (being Josie) I mean to jot things down, then never do, then the ideas and cute funny stories or things that were simple pleasures, fade quickly before my sleepy head drinks its first cup of coffee each morning. 
Hell if Amanda started a blog because I did, I had better keep up with her. 
speaking of Amanda, I go to see her today for like the first time in like 2 or 3 weeks. I was in Georgia visiting my sister Kelly and her new son Finnegan and his daddy Brian. Josie went with me and we visited the Atlanta Aquarium with Grandpa Jim (see above image) 
The trip was a great one, I miss seeing my family. It usually happens per person now about once a year which is lame, but everyone lives in different places. *sigh* Oh well. I think the trip was a little long though considering my sister had a new baby, and i had my 20 month old daughter, and there were mostly rainy days, and not the normal selection of toys etc, it all made for me being happy to be home and for them to have their house back to themselves. But thats why its been so long since I have seen Amanda. She is pretty much my person. Like on Grey's Anatomy, either you get it or you don't. She has a 2 month old who is so damn cute with amazing cheeks, but her eyes and little mouth are just so sweet and pretty. Josie needs to visit Lainey Bug again too. Laine is a whole new kind of baby that Josie has never seen. Ahhh, so yeah. I think Josie is in dire need of a park trip tomorrow. I will begin doing Prenatal Yoga in the living room at some point, maybe during nap time. I have worked a lot around the house the past couple of days, so maybe tomorrow will be a little lighter of a load to do. 
Cheers, til tomorrow hopefully. 


Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

Saturday morning we should do babies and coffee.
I can bring you both.
How are you with your latte's, switched to that chai stuff yet?
I bought somethign for you today. I need to use it first because I really bought it for myself through you, but you know, you'll get it soon. Possibly this weekend.

izonprize said...

You know Team God is praying for you and Michael and the quitting smoking thing, right?? You will be a success! One temptation at a with anything else, when the temptation hits you, as dumb as this sounds (try it and tell me what happens to you), just say, OUT LOUD in a FIRM VOICE, "NO!" and Choose to think about something else, like sweet Josie or that new wee one in your womb who is cuddled up to her mommy. Think on these things and hang on baby girl...I am proud of you. BTW have you ever read up on the celiac website that people have actually gotten rid of ALL symptoms of some diseases such as crohn's and others...just go to this website:

I do know that since Keith and I have become glutten-free we have completely been freed from "arthritis"-type joint pains, acid reflux and sleep apnea. I just heard about the connection of glutten and other diseases. Can't hurt, might help to eliminate glutten from the diet for a few weeks to test it. To follow info on celiac:
Sorry, got off on a wild tangent...will try to stick to blog comments only next time "_"

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