Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Late Weekend Recap

Friday Josie and I went in the morning to pick up Avery from daycare. It was pajama day at her school, so I let Josie stay in her jammies to go get Avery :) When we got home it was time for lunch, and then naptime. When the girls woke up they wanted to watch a movie, so I cut up an apple and peeled them each a mandarin orange and they got a couple pretzles and they happily watched The Little Mermaid together. Josie watched it for the first time, most other times she wasn't interested in anything like a princess movie (unlike Avery who LOVES princess movies)
Josie was quite concerned with Prince Eric and his boat catching fire and then him falling in the water. We have had long talks about how fire is dangerous, she has been cautious of things that are hot since she was 6 months old, to her hot and fire = owie ow! Smart girl if you ask me.

Saturday we woke up and got going right away. I had the girls try on and get their outfits in order the night before so that we only had to get dressed and do their hair. (after me taking a shower of course) I got the girls ready as Sarah arrived, and she did Avery's hair as I did Josie's hair. Pictures with Santa started at 10 am, so we planned on being there right at 10, which we were, only to find a HUGE line that would take us darn near 2 hours to get to see Santa.

The girls were good, but were drained by the time we got to see Santa.

I took a couple quick pictures, Josie really wasn't feeling smiley at that point, she was more of a space cadet, but I got my pictures and they were free, so whatever.

Then it was time for naps! I got the pics printed while the girls napped, and ran some errands. When they woke up I was there and made lunch for them and while they ate lunch Michael stayed with them while I ran to get the birthday cakes for Helen's second birthday party at Dave & Busters. We got there a little late, but it was fine, they sat up a table for us, and we all ate some food, Sarah brought the balloons and the LOL your 50, so we have to give you gag gifts like plastic walking canes with horns and things on it, over the hill balloons, and fancy pink coke bottle glasses, a piggy bank, etc not to mention the funny necklaces that had big 50's on them, and a flashing 50 pin.
So we had food, presents, cake and then played games.

There was an incident where I totally needed to have a spare pair of pants for Josie's pullup that leaked.... but it was make the best of it, or go home, and so we made the best of it, and I felt horrible as a mom, but Josie didnt seem to mind damp pants that had tried to be cleaned. We stayed as late as we could, and then cashed in the tickets, and Helen and her group of friend left to go to another event and had given us their cards and tickets for the girls which was super nice of them all. We were able to let the girls pick something out before we left. Josie picked out a ball, and Avery picked out a magenta dolphin.
We got home with just enough time for the girls to get a bath. There was no way they were skipping a bath having been in germville. After their baths I dried their hair, they had a story read to them, and then we all went to bed totally exhausted.
Sunday we took it easy. We made no plans other than to get the paper and brew coffee and watch cartoons in our jammies and have orange glazed cinnamon rolls for breakfast. MMM
Michael ended up doing a TON of work on the garage which I had been trying to get help with, but he needed to get his areas set up and unpacked finally. He even moved the treadmill into the house, and we go it set up in the right place etc. The girls played outside with chalk for a little while, and I made pizza for lunch which we were all super hungry and it was a great idea. Not too long after that Michelle came to get Avery and then our house was back to being just the 3 of us, which is a little quieter. :) Get those girls together and they become a whirlwind, sometimes a happy one and sometimes they need to be in their own areas because nothing will make them play nicer together. :) We had a great weekend though. This weekend is going to be a little less hectic. just some last min pre christmas things to do. Sarah has next week off, so at some point either this weekend or next week, we plan to take Josie to see The Princess and the Frog at the movie theater, for her second movie ( her first movie was with Avery and Daddy and I to see the new Christmas Carol.... not totally age appropriate lol) None the less, she is excited to go see it. Til next time.


Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

Sounds like a wonderfuly busy and happy weekend. You can't see but I'm toasting with my diet coke for many more weekends as happy as that one for you.

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