Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Its not nesting, I Promise.

The kitchen and breakfast room floor has never been so clean. It has been on my list to really really clean it. Today was the day, I swept the floor, cleared the chairs and everything else off the floor, I filled a bucket with hot water and some Pinesol, threw in a big sponge and put on my yellow "Why, yes I am domesticated" gloves. I got down on all fours, and scrubbed the floor, the baseboards, the cabinets, and was able to finish it all. My back hurts like hell right now lol, but its done, and i crossed it off the list. WOOHOO
Totally blog worthy.

Also, Michael has totally surprised me. He started organizing the garage on Sunday, and made AWESOME progress on it. He brought in the treadmill all by himself, moved the armoire from the back door to the front door, and got his work bench set up, and a ton of things on their way to being organized. I am so proud of him! He said that on Saturday he is going to finish it. Last night even, he put up the curtain rods in our room finally, I got as much as I could started, but he did it, and I am so thankful. Next on the list is Bisseling the carpets, and cleaning the rest of the baseboards in the house.


Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

So what if you are nesting... and you are... in your own words "If thats how you are then own it lady" I think it's amazing that you got that done, and I'm sure it feels amazing to have it done. Go you!

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