Friday, May 8, 2009

May 6, we found a new park!

Having the house on the market means that sometimes we get kicked out of the house, so why not improvise and discover new places (which I don't do as often as I should) So we went to a new park that I recently found out where it was... Challenger 7 Memorial Park. My likes of the park are that, as you can see, its covered. Houston gets HOT not only is the weather HOT but it scorches the plastic on all playground equipment, so  coverage is NECESSARY.
She had fun exploring and running around, checking things out, playing with little pebbles (which are some of her favorite things... rocks and dirt)

She went across this little "bridge" all by herself, knew just what to do, and how to do it safely. Things that make a mother proud :)

Some parents freak out when their 21 month old is doing things like this... SHE COULD FALL!! right? I wasn't worried. I was right there, and I could see her assessing the situation, and she knew it was a little too advanced for her, so she didn't do any further. :)

Hmmmm... what else can I do here?

OHHH a hole! I mean a window! OHHH I can drop pebbles out of it!

It was fun!
(Note to self, pebbles HURT when they get in your flip flop. WEAR SHOES, not flip flops)


Amanda Porter Rosendahl said...

One of these weekends we are going to go to the park with you. Laine told me she wants to try out a slide, I figure Josie could help with that.

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